Sunday, April 3, 2011

Boredom rears its ugly head

I am positively ravenous for a release of this boredom! I've been in a dream-like state since Friday night when I decided a can of lemon flavored 4loco along with shots of whipped cream vodka followed by 90's karaoke in my living room sounded like a good idea. I have a perma headache behind my right eye that I can't seem to persuade away no matter how many mugs of coffee or glasses of water downing extra strength Tylenol I consume. There are so many things I could be doing. On top of the list is creating new art for the Georgetown art walk happening in about a month. I have stooped so low into lazy-hood that I haven't, until now, even contemplated the idea of creating something new. I was planning on using some old pieces that I currently have tucked away in storage instead. And although they would like to see the light of day again, does that give me the excuse to sit here wasting away in sweat pants merely staring off into oblivion? No dad. I could create an art journal like I've always wanted to do. I've seen some amazing ones and am envious. I SHOULD update photo albums and scrapbooks. They haven't really been touched since Mila was born even though it is most important now! Its been too long since I've updated this blog, so there's a start. I don't like basking in my negativity, so I am going to sign off now to leave all the should haves and could be's behind. Perhaps I will change into something fancy and put on some hot pink lipstick and lashes. That always makes me better. Until next time, TATA.

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