Thursday, March 3, 2011

Im going to Jersey Shore!

I've been in the works of planning a trip to NY this summer. My entire mom's side lives there, and since I am not currently employed, I need to take as much time as possible to visit while also introducing Mila to her crazy family. My aunts, mom and I have been discussing over Facebook some of options for activities during our 3 week stay. Today my aunt Lisa mentioned we should take a mini trip to the Jersey shore! I am so stoked and I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I went there in the past.. I stayed with my friend Britt at her parents' house in New Jersey one summer during high school. It was nice then and it will be even better this time around. I'm absolutely addicted to the show! One thing is for certain. I have to get my spray tan on. I won't be walking my albino ass around the beach until I do. It is so unfair that I didn't inherit any of my Italian genes.
Snooki is my favorite. Hilarious!